City of konigsberg wants to remove stumbling blocks

Many people in konigsberg are concerned about the accessibility of the cobblestones in the old town. Older people in particular have a hard time on the uneven ground. Even moving around with a rollator is not easy in some places. In order to improve the accessibility of the old town pavement through structural measures, such as the installation of a walking lane for wheelchairs and walkers, city councilor frank slawik had submitted a written request for this topic to be discussed in the city council.

In this regard, as he informed the city council at the meeting on tuesday evening, mayor claus bittenbrunn held initial preliminary discussions with the lower monument preservation authority (district office), the monument preservation authority in schloss seehof and with the government of lower franconia at a meeting at the district office. It became clear that the development of a comprehensive network of paths would be best planned by means of an urban development inspection in order to obtain subsidies. Because, according to mayor bittenbrunn, "the whole thing will not be cheap." however, it would require comprehensive planning and implementation as an overall project lasting several years. It is a question of financial resources that the city has not had at its disposal in recent years.

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Warlock in mexico predicts germany’s defeat

Warlock in mexico predicts germany's defeat

Mexico's self-appointed supreme wizard has predicted a victory for the el tri against germany in a ceremony.

He ordered that the mexican national team will win the first four games and reach a very good place, said antonio vazquez alba fogged by smoke in mexico city. On wednesday, the champion wizard shared a video of the world cup ritual, which he performed in style wearing a mexican fubball jersey, on twitter. For the match against germany he predicted a result of 1:0.

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Minister: federal childcare subsidy only as needed

Minister: federal childcare subsidy only as needed

"It would be a coup de grace if the countries, which have already been able to realize the legal claim with the existing means, were now to demand an additional payment," she told the "frankfurter allgemeine sonntagszeitung". "We must use the resources where there is still a lack of space."Then the legal entitlement to a daycare place, which was fixed by law in august 2013, could also be realized.

Bavaria's family minister christine haderthauer (CSU) promptly protested. "The federal government must distribute its funds equally. It can't be that the countries that have invested massive amounts of their own funds are the stupid ones compared to others that rely solely on federal funds," she said in munich on sunday. Bavaria has in the meantime "almost doubled the federal funds received with state funds in order to meet the legal requirement, and is only because of this at the top of the nationwide expansion dynamic". The federal government must honor these efforts "and therefore take into account the number of new places created with state funds when distributing its funds.

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The state is in the dock in munich

the state is in the dock in munich

The word "historical has been wearing thin lately. From the historic victory in the bundesliga to the historic vote in the bundestag, the superlative must hold sway. But you should only call something historical what will one day be written in the history books. The trial of beate zschape, which is to begin on monday, undoubtedly belongs in this category.

It is not just a question of the guilt or innocence of the sole survivor of the zwickau terror cell. Or just to wallow after the NSU's unprecedented series of murders. The state's failure in the fight against right-wing terror is coming into focus – and not just abroad.

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16-Year-old refugee allowed to bring family to germany

16-year-old refugee allowed to bring family to germany

A ruling in favor of a 16-year-old syrian's family moving to germany reignites the debate on refugee policy at christmas.

According to information from the ARD capital city studio, the ruling by the berlin administrative court unexpectedly became legally binding on friday. Aubenminister sigmar gabriel (SPD) buried the ruling.

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There was a crash near romershag

The driver came this morning, thursday, 29. August, shortly before the train romershag into the skid. A traffic jam formed for a short time because the road was fully blocked. Later, traffic was diverted past the accident site on a single lane.

Accident after overtaking manover
the driver – a young man from the altlandkreis – skidded just before the romershag railroad crossing. According to police, he presumably lost control of his car while rejoining the road after an overtaking maneuver. Then he got onto the shoulder, skidded and knocked himself over. The jeep finally came to rest on the opposite carriageway on the passenger side.

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First trial in the abuse complex

First trial in the abuse complex

The details from the indictment are almost unbearable – and give an impression of the suffering of the victims of the nationwide abuse complex that began in bergisch gladbach in north rhine-westphalia.

For months, investigators have been analyzing huge amounts of data to find more perpetrators and victims of the unbelievable child abuse. The first trial in the country began on wednesday at the regional court in monchengladbach. Two 39-year-old men are charged with 79 counts of sexual abuse of children, among other things.

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New building puts church in the shade

A building project in the kriegenbrunn district of erlangen in the immediate vicinity of the st. John the baptist. The proportions of the new building do not really fit in with the medieval church building. In addition, the opinion of the landesdenkmalrat (regional council for the preservation of historical monuments) was not obtained for the construction at a sensitive location in the center of the village, critics complain.

On a site east of the church, bruckweiherstrabe 6, a residential stable house was built as a daylohnerhaus, presumably as a result of a division of the inheritance around 1750. The original two-zoned and two-rowed barn had to give way to a new building in 1910. The house is located directly on the road as it is often the case.

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Bad kissingen: cab leak reported months ago

That the cab supply in the coarse county town is patchy at off-peak times and weekends was recently shown by the case of a couple from Fulda. The physically ailing pensioners tried for 90 minutes to get a ride, only to end up hitchhiking.

Hotel director Hans Markwalder can also tell you a thing or two about the gaps. "We have a guest who comes to us frequently and we lose him because at six in the morning it is not possible to get a cab to the train station.", says the boss of the hotel sonnenhugel in reiterswiesen. He had, however, the necessary rental car and personal requisition licenses. Before the hotel loses the regular guest, he will rather bring the guest personally to the train.

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