“One-eyed” cars cause dangerous situations

The purchase of a vintage car requires careful preparation

"One-eyed" cars cause dangerous situations "One-eyed" cars cause dangerous situations

By the way, the results of last year's light test speak for themselves: in 2017, the workshops found defects in the lighting system of every third car. Of these, almost a quarter were driving around with defective headlights. In every tenth car, the headlights were set in such a way that they dazzled oncoming traffic. The percentage of vehicles with discovered defects has increased by 0.7 percent compared to 2016, at 32.7 percent. The problem is not getting any smaller.

If it comes with the check in the workshop actually to the exchange of a lamp, the motor trade and the automobile clubs recommend by the way the exchange equal of both sides. In view of the fact that the lamp on the other side often still works perfectly, this seems to some customers to be a clever strategy by the industry to increase sales.

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Taking out occupational disability insurance despite pneumonia

Accidents and illnesses can lead to severe restrictions in everyday life. Regardless of age, gender or profession, everyone is at risk of falling ill. Everyday situations such as driving or playing sports can provoke accidents. In some cases, the resulting discomfort is so severe that workers can no longer pursue their careers. If they are expected to be unable to work for at least the next six months, they are classified as occupationally disabled. But how to efficiently compensate for the resulting loss of income? The statutory disability pension, which employees usually receive, is often not enough to satisfactorily compensate for financial problems. It is advisable to take out private occupational disability insurance, as a monthly pension is paid to the insured person in the event of a benefit claim. This is higher than the payments of the statutory pension for reduced earning capacity and thus helps to cushion the loss of income due to occupational disability.

However, before interested parties can take out occupational disability insurance, the insurance companies check the individual occupational disability risk. For this purpose, among other things, a health check is carried out and the interested party is asked about his or her leisure activities. By answering these questions, the insurance company will get a picture of whether the prospect has a potentially increased risk of becoming unable to work. Certain pre-existing conditions, such as allergies, do not usually have a major impact on policy terms, while conditions such as cancer often result in a claim being rejected. Hobbies such as climbing, parachute jumping or diving lead to a potentially increased risk of occupational disability. Here's how insurance companies evaluate pre-existing conditions such as pneumonia when a policy is issued.

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Hit and run and now have to pay more for the insurance too? Not with this trick!

Hit and run and now have to pay more for the insurance too? Not with this trick!

I could not believe it, an hour before everything was still fine. I went on the road and actually! Half of the fender was gone the bumper was bent away. No trace of the person who caused the accident! What now?

The police could not help

The police came by and recorded the accident. Who caused the damage? Did the neighbors see anything? Unfortunately, no one saw who caused the accident and hit and run. No witnesses, no chance! But who actually pays my damage now?

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About the sense of a bullying complaint

About the sense of a bullying complaint

Why I as a specialist lawyer for labor law do not recommend the filing of a mobbing lawsuit as a rule.

The impulse is understandable. After an experienced mobbing the skin is only thin. The situation is set to change. One would like to get out of the victim role and become active. I'll pay him back! I go to the lawyer, I sue! Stop the psychological injuries! I recommend in such a situation, however, also the pause and gaining distance. Does a mobbing complaint make sense? This question wants to be discussed calmly. Seeing a lawyer can be a good step, but the next one – going to court – needs to be well thought out. In addition here a outline, which would come on you, if you would like to start a Mobbingklage. It can become a marathon, this much is said. And whether there is a light in the tunnel at the end ..

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Contributions for automobile liability insurance can be deducted from income

Hartz IV calculation: contributions for motor vehicle liability insurance can be deducted from income. The income of a basic security receiver is to be credited thereby in smaller height on ALG II requirement.

By judgment of 27. November 2015, the Eleventh Senate of the Lower Saxony-Bremen Regional Social Court ruled that motor vehicle liability insurance must be deducted from the income of a basic income support recipient even if the recipient is merely the keeper and not the owner of the vehicle or the policyholder of the liability insurance policy.

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