Please don’t end up in jail on new year’s eve – avoid typical crimes!

Please don't end up in jail on New Year's Eve - avoid typical crimes!

Imagine the following for a moment: You wake up slowly, open your eyes and don't really know where you are. But what you definitely feel is the stabbing pain in your skull and the throbbing certainty that you overdid it yesterday. Up to this point, it should be a normal start to the new year for many. But when you look around a little more closely, you find that you are not in a bed, but on an extremely uncomfortable cot. In addition, you are completely alone and the room has only a manageable size, white tiled walls and a heavy steel door with mini window as an entrance gate. How could you end up here? The solution: the uniformed jokers thought a night in the drunk tank would do you quite a bit of good – so you've been completely out of line and are starting 2019 not with the first implementation of your many good intentions, but with legal trouble.

New Year's Eve represents a highlight of the year for many revelers. Turbulence and escapades are the order of the day – inhibitions are thrown overboard. All this would not be a problem if it were not for the masses of regulatory authorities who, as referees, have a particularly strict eye on the field on this day and do not flinch long to remove troublemakers from the traffic. Especially at the turn of the year, a particularly large number of crimes are almost traditionally committed – a day of records, so to speak. On New Year's Eve, it is always the same typical crimes that cause trouble. Nobody wants to take away your beer, your schnapps or your bubbly, your rocket or your good mood. This text is only intended to sensitize you a little in advance, so that you do not make the same mistakes as many other clowns.

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Rent deficiencies – on the safe side with your lawyer in tenancy law

The rental agreement obligates the landlord to provide a faultless and defect-free rental object. The living space must be in a condition that permits use in accordance with the contract. In reality, rental defects are widespread. Legal disputes between tenant and landlord often arise at this point. Many tenants are unsure how to act in case of a defect. For example, is the tenant allowed to have a structural rental defect repaired at the landlord's expense? When and in what amount can the rent be reduced if the landlord fails to remedy a rental defect despite repeated requests to do so?? Since a rental defect always depends on the circumstances of the individual case, standard answers to these questions are not possible. Tenants are well advised to consult a lawyer qualified in landlord and tenant law in the event of rental defects. This way, the right steps can be taken right from the start. The law firm Lamster& Partner in Freiburg assists tenants with rental defects.

Rent deficiencies - on the safe side with your lawyer in tenancy law
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Shortage of specialists in the real estate industry: time for new approaches

Shortage of specialists in the real estate industry: time for new approaches

The shortage of skilled workers is one of the most important challenges facing today's economy. More than 60% of German companies see it as a current business risk (source: Statista). The real estate industry is also affected by this. Property managers, housing companies, construction firms, real estate agents – they all complain of massive problems finding qualified employees. The reasons are complex, but the good news is that solutions exist.

Whereas in the past, stacks of applications to job ads landed on the desks of human resources departments, today the picture is different. Recruiters specializing in the real estate industry report that more and more companies have to hire professional agencies to find suitable employees. But even that is no guarantee of success. Good personnel are in demand, and competition among firms is fierce.

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About the sense of a bullying complaint

About the sense of a bullying complaint

Why I as a specialist lawyer for labor law do not recommend the filing of a mobbing lawsuit as a rule.

The impulse is understandable. After an experienced mobbing the skin is only thin. The situation is set to change. One would like to get out of the victim role and become active. I'll pay him back! I go to the lawyer, I sue! Stop the psychological injuries! I recommend in such a situation, however, also the pause and gaining distance. Does a mobbing complaint make sense? This question wants to be discussed calmly. Seeing a lawyer can be a good step, but the next one – going to court – needs to be well thought out. In addition here a outline, which would come on you, if you would like to start a Mobbingklage. It can become a marathon, this much is said. And whether there is a light in the tunnel at the end ..

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Contributions for automobile liability insurance can be deducted from income

Hartz IV calculation: contributions for motor vehicle liability insurance can be deducted from income. The income of a basic security receiver is to be credited thereby in smaller height on ALG II requirement.

By judgment of 27. November 2015, the Eleventh Senate of the Lower Saxony-Bremen Regional Social Court ruled that motor vehicle liability insurance must be deducted from the income of a basic income support recipient even if the recipient is merely the keeper and not the owner of the vehicle or the policyholder of the liability insurance policy.

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Austria – the way to your own home – tips

Buying your own home is generally a good idea, and if it's done in Austria, it's even better.

This is because it is a good investment, especially if you decide to buy a house or an apartment in Vienna. In addition to affordable homes, you can also benefit from a high quality of life and excellent medical care. Not to mention the wide range of recreational opportunities.

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Car insurance despite schufa entry?

Car insurance despite Schufa entry?

Car insurance despite Schufa? What are the options here? Motor vehicle insurance is mandatory in Germany. If a car is put into operation, the vehicle owner must provide the registration office with proof that there is currently insurance coverage for this vehicle. Without proof of valid insurance, the registration office will avoid registering the vehicle. But how does it behave if the future vehicle owner has a record in the Schufa. Does the insurance cover fail due to the creditworthiness of the policyholder??

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