Travel planning made easy: tips and checklists

Simply away! Out of the daily routine and into a new adventure. Who once got the taste, usually becomes downright addicted to traveling. Because never else do you feel as free and full of drive as when exploring new countries and cultures.

The times you spend traveling will be remembered for the rest of your life. They are those times you will still tell your grandchildren about one day. So if you haven't planned a trip for a while – or even never – it's urgent time (again). With our tips your travel planning will succeed with a minimum of effort and money – so that your next adventure can start shortly.

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Construction interest rates and their development in 2018 – a forecast

Do you currently or in the near future intend to buy or build a property? Then you are certainly interested in the current mortgage rates as well as the construction interest rate development for the year 2018. Finally, the construction interest rates and their forecast are a decisive factor for the conditions at which you can take out a loan and how favorable or expensive the real estate loan will thus be for you.

Construction interest rates and their development in 2018 - a forecast
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The last will and testament: will and inheritance contract

The last will and testament: will and inheritance contract

When drafting wills and inheritance contracts, one should proceed very conscientiously and include all individualities of a case. In order to prevent potential disputes among heirs from arising in the first place, we recommend that you seek professional legal advice. In addition, in many cases there are several options, which we will be happy to examine for you and advise you on which is suitable in your case.

We will gladly take over the watertight drafting of your will or inheritance contract

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Rent reduction: reasons for a justified rent reduction

A reduction in rent is prescribed by law for apartments, houses and other properties: Section 536 of the German Civil Code (BGB) states that the monthly rent must correspond to the level of the actual condition of the rented property. Reasons for a reduction of the rent result from material defects or defects of title of the rented property.

The following aspects are to be considered in the case of rent reduction:

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Specialist lawyer for insurance law in the law firm lamster & partneri freiburg

It can be assumed that every household in the Federal Republic of Germany has taken out several insurances. Insurance is a special form of risk assumption on a collective basis. With a corresponding amount of money – the insurance premium – the possible realization of a life risk is jointly borne, so that the individual is relieved of it. The basis of risk shifting is in each case an insurance contract. Insurance contracts are very complex contracts, each of which contains a large number of standardized contractual conditions – so-called General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

The insurance contract determines the rights and obligations of the participants. In many cases, when the insured event occurs, a situation arises unexpectedly in which the insurer delays or refuses payment. For the policyholder, this may result in a situation that threatens his existence in financial terms. Now insured persons need qualified legal advice quickly. Ideally, this can be done by a lawyer specialized in insurance law, such as here at Lamster& Law Office Partner Freiburg provide.

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Significance of the regional class in the dusseldorf registration district

The conclusion of a motor vehicle liability insurance policy is a basic requirement for the registration of a motor vehicle. This is therefore a compulsory insurance. Anyone who cannot provide proof of such insurance is not allowed to drive their vehicle on the roads in this country. There are numerous different insurers offering motor vehicle liability insurance at different conditions. For the determination of the premiums to be paid, however, the so-called regional class is relevant for all providers. We explain what it's all about in the Dusseldorf registration district.

Individual criteria for calculating insurance premiums

Significance of the regional class in the Dusseldorf registration district
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Confidentiality in ombudsman procedures

Confidentiality in ombudsman procedures

The guarantee of confidentiality serves to protect all persons involved in a procedure and it also applies beyond the conclusion of a case. On the one hand, confidentiality protects those who approach the panel from possible disadvantages that may result from such an inquiry. No scientist may suffer any disadvantage as a result of his or her decision to contact the Ombudsman for Science. On the other hand, of course, the person to whom a reference to a possible violation of rules or scientific misconduct refers must also be protected from unjustified accusations. To be able to guarantee this protection, confidentiality is demanded from all parties at the beginning. A breach of this confidentiality will be considered by the Ombudsman for Science as a breach of the rules of good scientific practice and, if appropriate, will be referred to the relevant misconduct committee. Moreover, the ombudspersons of universities are bound to secrecy, if only because they are dealing with information that they learn officially.

However, if the investigation of a matter reveals a reasonable initial suspicion of scientific misconduct of considerable weight that cannot be corrected, the Ombudsman is encouraged to report the facts to the appropriate Commission for the Investigation of Scientific Misconduct. In cases of falsification and fraud, the basic rule of procedural confidentiality does not apply to investigative commissions.

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Skilled workers: layoffs in construction cause permanent loss

The construction industry has a "gastro effect" before. Because more and more construction projects are currently being put on hold due to high costs. This in turn leads to skilled workers being laid off and also looking around in other industries. But once they have left, they usually don't come back. This exacerbates the crisis. Because there is currently still a shortage of 700 nationwide.000 apartments.

Although around 700.000 apartments are missing, housing construction is faltering. Last year, real new orders fell by 9.6 percent compared with the previous year. This is alarming for the Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Agrar-Umwelt (IG Bau). "Actually, there should be significantly more residential construction – more new construction, more conversion, more renovation," wonders IG Bau board member Carsten Burckhardt. "Instead, incoming orders are slipping away, especially in residential construction. More and more players are pulling out – not only listed companies such as Vonovia or Deutsche Wohnen, but also some municipal, cooperative and church housing companies are currently putting construction projects on hold". He goes on to emphasize that there is a shortage of 700.000 apartments are missing and it is the biggest housing deficit in around 30 years.

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Children’s noise disturbs you or the neighborhood? You have these rights as a tenant

Noise always leads to disputes between male and female tenants. Special regulations apply to children, about which you will find comprehensive information in the following text. Children enjoy greater freedoms than adults, but are also not always allowed to be noisy indefinitely. The point at which children's noise is prohibited by law depends very much on the age of the children, because it is assumed that as they get older, they will be better able to understand and comply with limits regarding loudness. Let Uwe Heichel, attorney for landlord and tenant law, advise you on this matter.

Why children's noise is different from other noise nuisances?

In contrast to the noise of a construction site, children's noise must be tolerated to a certain extent and cannot be grounds for termination by neighbors. According to the law, children's noise is not a "harmful environmental impact". This is because children and families are given special protection under the law and, apart from that, parents are only able to influence their children's noise to a limited extent. Surely you know from your own experience that small children cannot be kept from laughing loudly while playing and that babies often start to scream especially when they wake up at night. If parents could prevent this, they would certainly do so out of their own interest. Accordingly, the neighborhood is also required to be considerate and can not enforce a completely undisturbed silence.

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Mallorca – city trip & sea

it starts slowly again. Traveling was and is certainly still conditioned by Corona
a little limited. How to travel and where to go? How do I prepare myself and what do I have to pay attention to, so that my vacation remains a dream time?

It is the same for us travel designers.
But what does it help, we want to continue to discover the world or not?? But we would like to travel more consciously and sustainably
and be in harmony with the environment.

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