Corona crisis – bridging assistance extended

To help troubled companies in the period from June to August 2020, a bridging aid was introduced in the wake of the Corona crisis. In the meantime, a second phase of the bridging aid has been decided by the federal government, which covers the funding months September to December 2020.

While many restrictions are now being relaxed, many companies still have some or all of their business operations restricted due to the Corona crisis. The bridging aid adopted is intended to help small and medium-sized enterprises affected by constraints or closures. For this reason, further liquidity support was granted for the months of June to August 2020 (phase 1). The program thus follows on temporally from the emergency aid program of the federal government (March to May 2020). The BMWi has published detailed FAQ's on this topic.

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Accompanied driving: car driving license from 17 years of age

Accompanied driving: Car driving license from 17 years of age

Normally, the minimum age for the car driving license (classes B and BE) is 18 years old. Through "accompanied driving" (BF 17), the age for acquiring this driver's license can be lowered to 17 years old. What opportunities and regulations this brings for novice drivers, we summarize below.

What is a prerequisite for accompanied driving?

Accompanied driving: Car driving license from 17 years of age

The driver's license for accompanied driving from 17 is similar to the normal car driver's license. Accordingly, the driving training also runs the same way. The driver's license candidate takes part in theory lessons and then completes his practical driving lessons. Also the theoretical and practical test are the same.

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Specialist lawyer for insurance law in the law firm lamster & partneri freiburg

It can be assumed that every household in the Federal Republic of Germany has taken out several insurances. Insurance is a special form of risk assumption on a collective basis. With a corresponding amount of money – the insurance premium – the possible realization of a life risk is jointly borne, so that the individual is relieved of it. The basis of risk shifting is in each case an insurance contract. Insurance contracts are very complex contracts, each of which contains a large number of standardized contractual conditions – so-called General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

The insurance contract determines the rights and obligations of the participants. In many cases, when the insured event occurs, a situation arises unexpectedly in which the insurer delays or refuses payment. For the policyholder, this may result in a situation that threatens his existence in financial terms. Now insured persons need qualified legal advice quickly. Ideally, this can be done by a lawyer specialized in insurance law, such as here at Lamster& Law Office Partner Freiburg provide.

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Significance of the regional class in the dusseldorf registration district

The conclusion of a motor vehicle liability insurance policy is a basic requirement for the registration of a motor vehicle. This is therefore a compulsory insurance. Anyone who cannot provide proof of such insurance is not allowed to drive their vehicle on the roads in this country. There are numerous different insurers offering motor vehicle liability insurance at different conditions. For the determination of the premiums to be paid, however, the so-called regional class is relevant for all providers. We explain what it's all about in the Dusseldorf registration district.

Individual criteria for calculating insurance premiums

Significance of the regional class in the Dusseldorf registration district
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Rent a sports car – with or without deductible?

When you rent a sports car in Stuttgart, you are required to have fully comprehensive insurance. However, with some offers, you have the option to choose comprehensive coverage with or without a deductible. A rental without deductible is usually a bit more expensive, but in most cases of damage you do not have to bear additional costs. In the following we from mach2cars GmbH go into the advantages and disadvantages of both variants and explain when it is worthwhile to book a rental car without deductible.

When is a rental car without deductible worthwhile?

For every driver of a rental car it is a nightmare to be involved in an accident during the rental period. Even if you have a fully comprehensive insurance, you will be asked to pay in this case under certain circumstances, namely always if you have chosen a fully comprehensive insurance "with deductible. This means that you have to pay for the damage with an own contribution. The amount varies between different car rental companies.
Therefore, we advise you to definitely take a look at the rental conditions before booking. In Canada and the USA a fully comprehensive insurance without deductible has long been the rule. It's worth it, because you have full protection and can save on expensive additional insurances.

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